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Mimir, also known as the Smartest Man Alive and nicknamed by Kratos as Head, is a figure of Norse Mythology known for his knowledge and wisdom and an ally of Kratos and Atreus. With the giantess Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, Jörmungandr, and Fenrir.

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He is the brother to Helbindi and Býleistr. His father is the Jötunn giant Farbauti and his mother is Laufey. Loki is the wily trickster of Norse mythology. Atreus has yet to discover the extent of his abilities as he is noted by Mimir to have great potential thanks to his unique heritage. Likely due to him being a son of the former Olympian God of War and a Frost Giantess, Atreus possesses considerable superhuman physical abilities.

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